fiddle leaf fig tips

If you know me, you know I’m pretty obsessed with my fiddle leaf fig trees. I would have one in every room if I had the right light. I’m definitely no horticulturist but have learned how to take care of these little babies over the years and wanted to share some of my favorite tips. I really hope they help you start to love your fig instead of being intimidated by their finicky ways. If you have any tips I missed, add them below.

  1. When you bring your guy (or gal) home it’s all about finding the right spot. I know it’s tempting to put them in a place where they look the best, but you really need to be aware of the amount of sun that spot gets. They don’t like direct sunlight, but definitely need a decent amount of indirect light. Placing them near a window preferably a north/south window will give them all the light they need to thrive. Once you have found the perfect spot, leave them. They don’t enjoy being moved around.

  2. They love a routine and consistency. Pick one day a week that you know you can commit to watering and stick to it. I always water on Sunday’s and now it’s become part of our weekend routine.

  3. Figure out the right amount of water for your size fig and use the same amount each time. Haphazard watering can mean they might get too much or not enough water each week, which I promise is probably the reason yours might be hanging on by a thread or leaf. Ha! You can be very precise and measure your water out in cups or use the same watering devise and fill it to the same level each time. For reference my large tree gets 6 cups of water and my small 2ft tree gets 2 cups.

  4. Brown spots can leave you in a panic, just waiting for the whole leaf to turn and fall. If you see brown spots starting to form on the edge of your leaves, don’t panic. Use some scissors and trim the spots to keep them from spreading. Eventually as your tree adjusts to its new routine you’ll start seeing these spots less and less.

  5. If you notice fruit flies or gnats flying out from the dirt when you water cover it with a layer of sand. This will get rid of any bugs it may be attracting.

  6. It’s also important to take care of the leaves. I like to use a damp rag and wipe mine down once a month. This helps remove any dust and grime that may be preventing them from soaking in all the sun they need.

  7. Now that you are a fig tree expert you’ll notice new leaves sprouting and your branches growing. They actually grow more like a bush (outward) vs. straight up like a tree, so their branches have a tendency to get a little wonky. If you like that look than by all means, go with it. But if you if you prefer them to stand tall you may need to add additional support. I used 6ft. gardening stakes and ties to secure my branches in a more upright position.

fig family room.jpg

Here are some of my favorite baskets and tools to care for your fig.

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